How crucial is exit signage for your business?
To answer this question, we need to look at the South African National Standard Building Regulation: SANS 10400-T:2020
In buildings where the nearest escape door is less than 45 meters from all working areas, only 1 escape route is required.
If we look at buildings where the nearest escape door is more than 45 meters from the farthest point, at least 2 escape routes are required to make sure people can evacuate safely and effectively in case of an emergency. Your exit doors should be fitted with locks that can be opened with a single push motion, these should never require a key or be locked.
These escape routes should be clearly marked and signposted to indicate the direction to be travelled in case of an emergency. Emergency signage should be photoluminescent to comply with the relevant standards. These signs should be clearly marked with a SABS logo and bear the SANS 1186-5 mark.
This allows people to evacuate in case of a power failure, as they glow in the dark. Signage should be mechanically fixed to the wall by screws or fitted in a frame, forming part of the building permanent fixtures. This is to ensure that they are always in place should an emergency occur.
Buildings where people gather must install internally luminated exit lights with battery backups. This is to insure that people can evacuate even with the loss of electricity. An example of the buildings are malls; entertainment center’s; cinemas; sports center’s; hospitals and care center’s.
Installing the correct signage in strategic positions can save lives.
Next time your doing your shopping have a look at all the emergency signage you wouldn’t usually have a look at.
Knowing your emergency exit will save your life.
Albert Smit
NOSA Safety Officer